Upto 15$ for Facebook Ads with all the info :)


Thank you for opening this blog. All the steps are mentioned below so, lets jump into it : 

FACEBOOK ADS 15$ daily spend = Brazilian real

//////////////////////////// THE METHOD //////////////////////////////

1 : You have to create a facebook account don't use yours (get banned after spent amount 15$ or 40 $BRL)

2 : After creating facebook account : create a page and add pictures and details !!!

3 : Now you will click on promote and choose your method (web visitors or post boost or likes page...)

4 : after adding your ads details and audience and fixing the daily amount on 15$ or 30 Brazilian real......go to promote

5 : And use this info :

CPF : 11.846.593/0001-28

CARD Number : 4084381166348008

Date : 05|2024

CVV : 309

 It may get patched soon :( so hurry up ^^

For educational Purposes only !

Upto 15$ for Facebook Ads with all the info :) Upto 15$ for Facebook Ads with all the info :) Reviewed by lluvia.exe on November 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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